
Whether by accident or on purpose, doping is against the rules of the sport. Use the links below to ensure you are working within the laws for aquatic sports.

Checking Meds

The WADA Prohibited List is amended annually but is subject to change from time to time. The list describes each prohibited class of substance with examples. The prohibited list comes into effect on 1 January  every year and can be found at If you would like to know more about the Prohibited List Categories, please contact the British Swimming Anti-Doping Manager.

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Athletes, like all others, may have illnesses or conditions that require them to take particular medications. If the medication an athlete is required to take to treat an illness or condition happens to fall under the Prohibited List, a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) may give that athlete the authorization to take the needed medicine.

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Anti-Doping Rules

The British Swimming aim, working in partnership with UK Anti-Doping (UKAD), is to ensure that sport is protected from the threat of doping, and that athletes have the consistent right to compete against other clean athletes.  Anti-doping, like sport, is governed by rules.  From 1st January 2015 a revised World Anti-Doping Code (2015 Code) comes into effect and in turn revised British Swimming Anti-Doping Rules will come in to effect.

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Extreme caution is recommended regarding supplement use.

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The National Registered Testing Pool is managed by UKAD and the International Registered Testing Pool is managed by FINA.  British Swimming notifies athletes of their inclusion in FINA’s testing pool.

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Anti-Doping Education

British Swimming work with closely UKAD to ensure the legacy of clean Swim England and British Swimming athletes, within the future generations. These athletes will require prevention and protection from doping and education plays a key role in achieving this.

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Forms and Contacts

To contact the British Swimming Anti-Doping Compliance Manager Rachel Burrows, please e-mail or telephone her on 07824 618863.

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