Kit Requirements for Academy Squad

Oswestry Otters swimming kit requirements 

Academy squad 1+2 

Our Academy member are the foundation level of the club which will focus on skills, skills and more skills! A fast swimmer with poor technique and skills will only go so far. A swimmer with great skill and technique can go on to achieve great things. 

Members in the Academy group will not need all the kit that you will see in our older groups. Listed below are the fundamental kit requirement which this squad will need for every day training.

Mesh bag/ kit bag

There are many styles of kit bags but something very simple like this does the job of storing your kit and drying it out for the next session.


Kick boards 

There are lots of kick board available, the main thing is to remember that it doesn’t need to be a huge one, Something that is streamlined is a good place to start .



Have a read on our goggles advise here [Click Here]. For Academy swimmers you don’t need to pay top mark for your swimmer goggles just find one which do the job and progress from there.



Fins come in array of different designs, but watch out as some fins might not be suited for your swimmer. For Academy Swimmers the simply rule of thumb is keep them short and light (like the one in this picture). Long and heavy fins have a habit to cause incorrect kick motion cause long term problem in the future.