Otters Swim Kit Shop
Club Shop
You can see a list of items available below. For full details and prices please contact the club through Spond
All Groups
Mesh Kit Bag
Otters Water Bottle
Otters Cap (black) – (New Red Cap coming soon…)
Snorkel – Child
Snorkel – Adult
Pull Buoy
Short Fins
Skills Progression & Above
Finger Paddles
Performance Squad
Hand Paddles
Cardio Cap
Finis Ankel Strap
Kit Requirements for Academy 1+2 Squad [Click Here]
Kit Requirements for Competitive 1+2 Squad [Click Here]
Kit Requirements for Performance & Aquatics [Click Here]
Club Team Kit.
You can now order our club kit at any time you like at “” Click on the logo below to be taken to our club page.
New Otters Sports Bottle – only £6
Swimming Goggles.
When it comes to swimming goggles it can be very difficult to choice the right ones. So what should you do?
My advise would be to try and wear someone else’s goggles and see how they feel, unfortunately when it comes to racing the most comfortable doesn’t always provide the most practical in performance. A swimmer needs goggles which can withstand the high water presser when moving fast, for example pushing off the walls or diving in. However this doesn’t mean you have to get the most expensive pair because they are what you see swimmers on TV wear! (Top athletes are sponsored by companies meaning they will wear them to set a trend)
Here are some top tips from our Head Coach when considering what goggles to get:-
- Twin straps over single. The straps are the primary function to maintaining tension and grip on the head. The twin strap googles ensure they stay fitted on the users head with minimum movement whereas the single strap can easily slide around.
- Avoid fastening clips & groove clips. Many goggles have different ways to tighten or loosen them. Some come with a plastic fastening clips which allows the user to clip and unclip the strap behind the head with a simple press – However this makes them really vulnerable to coming off in the middle of a swim. On the other hand the grove clips have grooved straps which you can tighten or loosen them by the side of the head, they have the problem of flapping around and the user playing with them too much. They aren’t the easiest to fix if the straps get pulled out.
- Ideal goggles are the eye socket lens. They aren’t aways comfy, but they do the job. These goggles are designed to stay flush to the face reducing them moving or lifting whilst moving through the water.
- One isn’t enough, spare is needed. Goggle problems are a common issue and cause for a swimmers to lose quality session time. Spares should be on hand so time in water can be spent on swimming and not an end lane mechanic workshop.
Other examples
Tech Suits & Young Athletes
It is unclear how much of a performance advantage wearing a tech suit makes at a young age as the greatest performance advantage from such a suit comes from the compression that the suit provides in streamlining the body to reduce frontal resistance. For this to occur, the suit needs to be extremely tight fitting. A tech suit will deteriorate after only a few competitions, depending on how many times it is worn. The more times it is worn, the more it stretches, and the more the compression and water repellent properties degrade
1. Effective stroke technique and high skill levels are a much more important component for swimming fast over and above that of the suit worn and athletes should be encouraged to improve their body position, streamlining, underwater kick speed and technique at a young age in order to continue their progression in later years.
2. The focus for young age group athletes should be less on results and more on developing a love for the sport.
3. Children should feel and understand that it is their training, commitment and application to the sport that makes a difference when they compete, not the competition suit that they wear.
4. Tech suits are very expensive.