Club Squads

Swimmers Journey


The above fees go towards payment of expenses e.g. pool hire and are calculated over a twelve month period taking into account sessions ‘lost’ due to pool closures. The club regrets that it is unable to refund any session(s) that a swimmer is unable to attend. There will be no concession for absence due to holidays regardless of the length. These fees must be paid in full by monthly standing order paid on 1st of every month.

Squad fees must be paid by standing order with the name of the swimmer(s) as reference. The Club is a non-profit making organisation and has to pay its way.

If a squad member is away for more than four weeks due to injury, ‘serious’ illness or other special circumstances then the parent or guardian may write to the Club asking that squad fees be waived for that period. The request will be considered at the next committee meeting. No immediate decision will be given.

If a member have been selected and agreed upon to move to another squad by the coaching team, then the revised fee will be payable from the beginning of the next month. Immediately, if promotion is at the beginning of the month.

An annual membership fee of £45 is payable upon joining the club and annually thereafter on a set date, determined by the club.

Anyone experiencing financial difficulty due to personal circumstances should contact us  to explain the problem. Such matters will be treated in strictest confidence.