Club Statement

The Coaching team and Committee have been closely following government and Swim England guidance in respect of Covid-19 so that any decision we make is well informed and in the best interests of our members. Yesterday Swim England changed their stance on club training and advised that club activity falls into the category of ‘public gathering’ and it is advising that clubs consider cancelling/postponing all activity.

As a result, the club has made the difficult decision to cancel our Speed Sprints event in April and to stop all training with immediate effect. This is in the interests of the health and wellbeing of all members and is, we believe, the most appropriate response. We will continue to follow information and guidance from both the government and Swim England with regards to when we would be in a position to start training again.

The committee are working in the background to make changes to fees and to ensure the club still has a presence. We are in the process of arranging for set online sessions to be delivered for land training exercises, video calls and swimming theory. More details of this will follow shortly so please keep a look out.

Oswestry Otters Committee

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