The new decade

Happy New Year everyone!

I’m pleased to confirm that Oswestry Otters is back up and running as normal as of today. We have some very exciting times in front of us with the Shropshire County championship fast approaching, swimmers setting out to get time for the British Swimming Championships in London, a team heading off to Germany and of course the highlight for most members, the oversea training camp in October.

2020 is also an Olympic year where we see both new and seasoned athlete showcase the sporting ability that Britain has to show! I am sure that most of you will join me in wishing everyone especially our local Shropshire Olympians the best of luck!

However the Olympic year in the sporting calendar also mark the start of thinking and planning for the next 4 years, to set personal goals and targets to where we want to be! This can be focus on the range of areas like performance, lifestyle or career. I highly urge both parents and members to remember that everything we do and preach is about the long term! Please don’t be too short sighted as performance and achievements change year on year.  As a Coach what I look forward to the most, is to see how everyone turns out when in adulthood, to see if you achieve the future they imagine themselves in.


See you all on poolside SOON!




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