Closing ceremony on last Day of Shropshire County Championship

The 5th and final day marks the end of the 2020 Shropshire championship and Wow what a year it has been! Reflecting back a few years ago to 2018 the club had 34 finalist and 13 medals and then in 2019 we saw an impressive boost of achievement with 79 finalist achieving 3 golds, 9 silvers and 5 bronzes.

However 2020 has really been a new level of performance with 110 Finalists achieving 24 Golds, 18 Silvers and 21 Bronzes.
Adding to this tally 4 possible County Records and a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in Top Boy & Girl category.


Amazing and Wonderful work!

However the work doesn’t stop here as we have new challenges and achievements to over come. Over the last 3 weekends, there has been a hidden army of Otters, which without their time and support the Shropshire Championships wouldn’t of been able to run. Many thanks to all those who dressed in Whites or Blues to officiate and volunteer in your roles. A massive congratulations on those who have been signed off on all their officiating course work.

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