Is it a Pig or is it an Unicorn?

No Swimming and Now No School! Would be a nice situation to be in after a long hard year of education and competing but THIS well lets don’t get too down about it.


Oswestry Otters has a New YouTube sensation in the making here, (So he wishes to think) from our Head Coach Tim Hastie.


Everyday from Monday to Friday, Tim will be creating videos for our members to interact and learn from. Just click on the the big black strip saying “Click Here for OTTERS HOME TRAINING”.

or Go to the Home link and scroll down to it as can be see in the below image

Or just follow this –



More Information on Tim’s Introduction Video and then for more videos just click on each day which pops up. Tim does need your help and input by throwing him questions via the form located at the bottom of the Home Training Page.

If member or parents have ideas they wish to pass on to the club with dealing with this unprecedented time then please do email us!

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