Keeping up the Safety

Dear Parents/Swimmers 

The new programme yesterday looked, felt and ran really smoothly and effectively which is brilliant! Amazing job everyone.

The coaching team would like to remind you all of a few important points. With localised areas locking down and rapidly rising cases, we must ensure as a club and as individuals that we are keeping each other safe.

Reminder of those key points:

  1. All members must arrive in swimwear ready to swim. 
  2. All members must keep their costumes on when changing on poolside to go home. 
  3. All members must stay at home if they are unwell and don’t feel 100%. 


We are unable to provide the environment at this time for members to appropriately change into their swimwear on poolside, and need to safeguard both our young members, Coaches and Covid Officers to not be put in a position where they have to see members getting fully changed on poolside. 

In addition, swimmers are reminded that they are not to take their swimsuits off after their session either for the same reasons and for speed of changing. We know it’s not ideal but it is currently our only option and has been put in place under the guidance of our governing body ‘Swim England’. 


We would remind you that it has always been a policy of swimming clubs to not allow children who are unwell into the pool. Coaches can not put our children/athletes under strain by expecting them to train whilst unwell. 

Please could we remind you again that if swimmers are unwell you must not come to training. We can not put our volunteers/coaches at any additional risk of having to self isolate and we owe a duty of care to each other. 

Unwell swimmers will benefit far more from a night off training! 


Thank you for your ongoing support.

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