Open Space Studios

It has been my ambition as Head Coach to create a land base program for our members, however overall cost and location has been difficult to achieve this.

Discussions with multiple facilities resulted with quotes of £25-£50 per hour hire.


However an early Christmas gift has come in the form of “Open Spaces Studios” in Oswestry. ( An one of a kind Wellness Community Studio located directly above Oswestry Town Library. (See pictures below of the door entrance).

We have been very fortunate to gain within the new year (dates to be confirmed) 4:30 hours of studio space spread out over three days: Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. The plan will be open to our top squads to begin with, with the potential to open it up further to others later on. (Confirmation of this will be sent out).


I have been able to arrange an opportunity for our members to have a look around this venue before it opens up for business, THIS WEDNESDAY – 4:45 to 5:15pm (17th Dec) which everyone is welcome to come along to.



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