Club Statement Part 2

Dear Members 

As you will be aware, all training has now stopped and there is uncertainty as to when this will be reinstated.  

As a result, all fees will be reduced by 50% for the month of March.  Credits will be placed on the swimmers account and when training restarts, these can be deducted from your monthly fees. 

Our initial thoughts on the following weeks/months however are the following:-

  • The committee would like to address the concerns we have about the knock-on effects that our members may experience as a result of no training.  With this in mind, Tim Hastie will be starting up a new online content for swimmers to engage in.  This will give swimmers a basis to remain in contact and to hopefully keep them engaged in the sport despite being unable to swim.
  • Content will cover land training at home and swimming theory such as nutritional advice and to maintain the team morale, offering alternative coaching. 
  • This will support the members and would also enable our Head Coach, Tim Hastie (who is self-employed), the opportunity to continue to work.  Whilst pool hire costs would not be an issue, as we believe this will be suspended during this period, we would like to be in a position to support Tim.  His insurance won’t cover his income unless the government puts a ban on Leisure Centres or other public spaces.  
  • We are mindful that many of our parents are in a similar position, so from April (if we are still in the position that sessions are unable to continue), we would like to ask for members to make a confidential donation for each of their swimmers to the club.  This would enable the club to continue to pay a small wage to Tim (who will be working for us on the online content in this interim period) and to continue to engage the children in the sport of swimming.  As we are a charity, we could also add gift aid to any donations.  These payments can be made direct into the Otters account as usual. If everyone who is entitled to gift aid could please fill out the form attached to this email, then we would be able to claim a bit more.  There is no wrong or right amount, just what your family are comfortable with in line with your personal circumstances. 

As we are not aware of the length of time we will be under these restrictions, we will constantly be reviewing our position so we are able to return to training as soon as possible.  Should training start again before the end of April, fees will be paid on a pro-rata basis taking into consideration the donations already made.  

We want to hear from our club members and to have your feedback on the matters above.  Please do contact us with any suggestions you may have or equally any concerns. 

You can contact the committee Secretary, Chair, Treasurer or Head Coach Tim Hastie on the following email addresses: –

We wish you all good health and thank you for your patience in this matter.

Oswestry Otters Committee


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