Diddy League Team Captains!

Every year one boy and one girl is selected to be Team Captains for the Otters Diddy League Team.

Those who are in their last age year of the league are placed on the list to be picked from. The role of the Team Captain is to support, educate and be role models to those who are younger and new to the league experience.


It is never easy to select who to pick, especially this year with having 6 boys and 5 girls within that criteria. This year the coaching team create an anomalous voting systems. Placing their votes on their 1st, 2nd and 3rd choices for the role of team captain.

Even this didn’t give us a clear decision as the votes were close, however after agreeing to let those who had the most 1st votes to conclude our tie breaks, the club is pleased to announce that the 2020 Diddy League captains are:-

Logan Lee & Aliyana Hubbard 


Please don’t forget the deadline of Saturday 14th March to sign up for the first round which will be at Tamworth.



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